How Burglars Break Into Your Home

October 18, 2022
October 18, 2022 Kris Bowen

Did you know?

According to, South Jordan Utah his year has had property 1,721 crimes in which homes have been broken into and property stolen. If you’re like me, you most likely do NOT want to have some break into your home and steal your stuff!


So what can home owners do to prevent burglars from coming in and stealing their property? In an article written by Kyle Iboshi,  a KGW Senior Investigative Reporter, 86 burglars were asked how they would break into homes and the answers are surprising!

Here are a few of our favorites.

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#1 – Burglars typically don’t come through your windows but through your doors. Going through a window involves breaking it and that could create a loud noise and attract attention.

#2 – The best time of day for a burglar to come break into your home is around 12:30pm to 2:30pm. Your children are at school and you might be at lunch leaving your valuables alone.

#3 – Home security doesn’t matter, and if anything, having cameras outside of your home increases your chances because now you’re saying that you have valuables you’re trying to protect.

#4 – They ALWAYS knock first. ALWAYS! They want to make sure your home is vacant. If you are home and open the door, expect excuses like “missing packages,” or “wrong home” and if you feel suspicious afterwards maybe call the police.

#5 – One of the best ways to prevent your home from being burgled is to leave a car outside of your home. They will think twice before attempting in fear of someone being home.

To read the full article click here!


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