How Do I Find a Real Haunted House? Search your neighborhood!

October 13, 2022
Posted in Explore Utah
October 13, 2022 Kris Bowen

You’d know if your house was haunted… right?

Just in case, I found this website that has a map of thousands of “haunted” places all over the world.

And even if your home ISN’T haunted, there are still some fun ways to dress it up for Halloween. I found a list of some fun, do-it-yourself decorations. Fall wreaths, spooky stencils, and cute pumpkin carving ideas are some of my favorites.

Happy Halloween!

P.S. If you think your home is haunted and you’re not a fan of ghosts, just get in touch with us below! I’m always happy to run a home value report for you.


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